Holloman Exterminators - Termite & Pest Control Experts in Dunn, NC

Holloman Exterminators, a local company serving Harnett County, NC since 1954. We offer a variety of pest control solutions for both homes and businesses.

Target Pests:
  • General Pests: We can tackle common household invaders including ants, roaches, spiders, fleas, and mice.
  • Termites: Holloman Exterminators provides specialized termite control services to eliminate and prevent infestations of these destructive insects.
Service Options:
  • Inspection: Holloman Exterminators will send a technician to assess the extent of the pest problem and recommend the best course of action for your Harnett County home or business.
  • Treatment: We utilize various methods to eliminate pests, including insecticides, baits, and traps.
  • Preventative Maintenance Plans: Holloman Exterminators offers preventative maintenance plans to help prevent future pest infestations in your Harnett County property.
Additional Information:
  • Locally Owned and Operated: Since 1954, Holloman Exterminators has been a trusted presence in Harnett County.
  • Pet-Safe and Child-Safe Options: Inquire about pet-safe and child-safe treatment options available upon request.
  • Contact: You can schedule a consultation by calling Holloman Exterminators at (910) 892-7438  

Holloman Exterminators can be a one-stop shop for your pest control needs in Harnett County, NC.
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